Kumite Principle 1
Hit back, strike back, fire back right away.
1. Before you get hit - Sen No Sen
2. While you being hit - Taitai No Sen (in both cases)
3. After you get hit. - Go No Sen
Kumite Principle 2
Have good footwork to avoid being hit.
1. Move right left, forward back and side to side, shift off the line of attack.
Have good footwork to avoid being hit.
1. Move right left, forward back and side to side, shift off the line of attack.
2. Evade the attack so you can strike back. Use angles in this case.
3. Use strong blocks and deflections.
Kumite Principle 3
Have good footwork to successfully attack.
1. Attack when there is a physical opening or mental opening.
2. Attack when you create a physical opening or mental opening.
3. Attack when timing and distance is best.
Jeff Ghee 6th Dan, Shihan
Corpus Christi Downtown Karate
Ricardo Johns, 9th Dan Hanshi
Dai Ichi Shotokan Karate-Do
Balfour Wright, 9th Dan Hanshi
Society of Harmonious Fist, Goju Ryu
Society of Harmonious Fist, Goju Ryu