Saturday, September 19, 2020

Ten No Kata


It is still a manner of debate whether Funakoshi himself or if his third son,Gigo Funakoshi,developed Ten No Kata. Ten refers to “sky” or “universe” therefore Ten No Kata is generally referred to by either “Kata of Heaven” or “Kata of the Universe”. 

It was developed to help improve a karate ka’s basic technique or kihon,since it is the goal of karate ka to perfect their basic technique. At least,that’s what I believe. Ten No Kata can be practiced in a small space by anyone of any level of martial arts training,making it an excellent exercise to do everyday because it is so easy. 

Ten No Kata is broken into two parts,Omote and Ura. Omote can start from Heikō dachi or from Heikō dachi with Naiwan Kakiwake Uke.  You will always strike with your right hand first,after that you do the same on your left.  All technique on your left side end with Kiai. This applies to all twenty moves. 

In Ten No Kata Ura you will need a partner, because Ura isn’t really kata, it’s just one step kumite. Your opponent starts with Zenkutsu Dachi Gedan Barai and attacks with three sets of Chudan Oi Zuki (thrust punch to middle of the body) and also three sets of Jodan Oi Zuki (thrust punch to the head). 

He does this for both sides and the defender must apply the appropriate block and counter techniques from Ten No Kata. 

                         List of Techniques 

Remember,all strikes begin with the right hand. So if you want to do Gyaku Zuki,your left foot should be out. It is also important to remember to render courtesy even when practicing by yourself. 

Step forward into Zenkutsu Dachi Chudan Oi Zuki,and Yoi. Repeat on your left side adding Kiai. 

Step forward into Zenkutsu Dachi Jodan Oi Zuki,and Yoi. Repeat on your left side adding Kiai

Step back into Zenkutsu Dachi Chudan Gyaku Zuki,and Yoi. Repeat on your left side adding Kiai. 

Step back into Zenkutsu Dachi Gedan Barai, Chudan Gyaku Zuki,and Yoi. Repeat on your left side adding Kiai. 

Step back into Zenkutsu Dachi Uchi Uke, Chudan Gyaku Zuki,and Yoi.  Repeat on your left side adding Kiai. 

Step back into Kōkutsu Dachi Shuto Uke, then switch I into Zenkutsu Dachi Chudan Gyaku Nukite,and Yoi. Repeat on your left side adding Kiai. 

Step back into Kokutsu Dachi Jodan Shuto Uke, then switch into Zenkutsu Dachi Chudan Gyaku Zuki,and Yoi. Repeat on your left side adding Kiai

Step back into Zenkutsu Dachi Jodan Uke Chudan Gyaku Zuki,and Yoi. Repeat on your left side adding Kiai. 

Step back into Sochin Dachi Jodan Soto Uke,the switch to Zenkutsu Dachi Chudan Gyaku Zuki,and Yoi. Repeat on your left side. 

Ryan Chapman, 

San Kyu

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