Sunday, March 15, 2015

Heian Godan Kata Omote

The purpose of the Heian kata Ometes:
1. To show a starting point for basic applications
2. To show the overall spirit and kumite principles of the kata

Heian Yondan Kata Omote

The purpose of the Heian kata ometes:
1. To show a starting point for basic applications.  
2. To show the overall spirit and kumite principles of the kata

Heian Sandan Kata Omote

The purpose of the Heian kata ometes:
1. To show a starting point for basic applications.  
2. To show the overall spirit and kumite principles of the kata.

Ten Elements of Kata

INYO - Active and passive moments

CHIKARA NO KYOJAKU - The correct application of strength

WAZA NO KANKYU - Speed of movement

TAI NO SHINSHUKU - Expansion and contraction of the body and movement

KOKYU - Breathing relative to the move

TYAKUGAN - Focus, Aiming points, keeping in mind the purpose of the move

KIAI - Demonstrating martial spirit

KEITAI NO HOJI - Correct stance, positioning, angles and movement

ZANSHIN - Remaining on guard, staying mentally focussed back to yoi